Sunday, June 10, 2012

Joshua 24

Verse 23 - Then Joshua said, "You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen to serve the Lord."

Witnesses against ourselves when we chose God. How can men of flesh understand this or its consequences. I'm not sure that man can fully understand but we can certainly accept this charge on full faith with God beside us in everything we do. Some may see this verse as a sentence, like being restricted or thrown into jail. But I see it as freedom in our faith. A freedom and faith that only God can provide when we truly believe. It means that you know something even when we you don't know it. Witnesses against ourselves - powerful and convicting to men of Christian faith.

1 comment:

  1. It is a hard thing to wrap your head around. It's almost like deep down our guilty consciences will be the thing that witnesses against us. Even though we may be ignoring them or have ignored them for so long that the feeling isn't as strong, but nonetheless it will always be there to betray our guilt.
